Aims and Scope
The New Zealand Journal of Applied Business Research (NZJABR) publishes scholarly articles with an applied value that advance business theory, research and practice. Its focus is on the contemporary business environment, encompassing, but not limited to, the fields of sustainability, business process management, supply chain and operations management, information systems, business communication, accounting, economics, finance, strategic and HR management, and marketing. The intended readership of the journal is academics, business practitioners and researchers. All research methods are acceptable.
NZJABR is catalogued on the EBSCO database and InformIT.
ISSN: 1175-8007
NZJABR became a diamond open access publication on 1 December 2023. Payment of a subscription is not required to access NZJABR, and there are no charges to publish in NZJABR.
NZJABR is one of the academic publications within Te Pūkenga Publishing Group, and is funded by Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology.
Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) are allocated to all published articles.
Authors retain copyright ownership of their work. NZJABR owns copyright in the final formatted and published version of the authors’ work.
Articles published in NZJABR since 1 December 2023 are published under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial license 4.0 International. Readers have immediate free access to the articles and are permitted to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, provided that:
The NZJABR was formerly a subscription-based print journal, ISSN: 1175-8007. It became fully open access online on 1 December 2023.
NZJABR owns the copyright in archive material from 2022 and earlier. All rights are reserved in archive issues, however archive issues from 2013 are available open access on a read only basis. Permission may be sought from the editor for reuse of any part of the content.
Electronic backup and preservation of access to the journal content in the event this journal is no longer published shall be maintained by Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology.
All submissions must comply with the NZJABR Ethical Practice. Submission to the NZJABR confirms that the article has neither been published nor is under consideration for publication elsewhere. The authors are responsible for obtaining permission from the appropriate authorities for using any copyrighted materials before the submission.
The authors must follow these guidelines for preparing their initial and final papers. A paper cannot be considered for review if it does not follow these guidelines.
All manuscripts submitted to the NZJABR are processed through an initial screening for general suitability by a member of the editorial team. Authors will be notified of the outcome of the initial screening within three weeks of submission.
A suitable manuscript will be blind reviewed by two to three reviewers. Based on the review feedback, the editor will decide whether a manuscript should be published as is, revised, or rejected.
A manuscript achieves full acceptance status only after the authors have fully responded to reviewers’ suggested revisions. The corresponding author will return the final paper via email by the date requested by the editors.
Authors need to sign an Author’s Publishing Copyright Agreement before final acceptance and publication of the article.
Submission of manuscript
The authors must follow the instructions below in preparing their manuscripts.
Read the guidelines for Preparation of manuscript.
All submissions go through an initial screening by the editor or a member of the editorial board to determine the suitability of the topic, the structure, and the quality of the article for publication in this journal.
If found acceptable, the submission is then sent to two subject experts for blind peer review.
Reviewers are expected to decline an invitation to review a submission if:
Reviewers will keep the submission confidential and use it only for purposes of the review process for this journal.
Based on the reviewers’ feedback:
In case of conflicting feedback from the reviewers, the editor’s decision is final.
It is the responsibility of the editor of this journal to decide whether or not an article will be published. In making this decision, the editor is guided by any policies set out by the editorial board of the journal, reviewers’ comments on the particular paper and laws regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism.
The editor reserves the right to make editorial changes before publication.
The Editor of the New Zealand Journal of Applied Business Research is Satya Gonuguntla. He can be contacted at
Editorial Board members are:
Dr. John Kommunuri (AUT)
Dr. Milind Mandlik (AUT)
Dr. Lehan Stemmet (AIS)
Wajira Dassanayake (Unitec | Te Pūkenga)
Dr. Cyril Peter (Whitireia Weltec | Te Pūkenga)
Dr. Maryam Mirzaei (AUT)
Prof. Jo Kirkwood (Otago Polytechnic | Te Pūkenga)
Ehtasham Ghauri (Otago Polytechnic | Te Pūkenga)